Welcome to the blog of Christchurch Avon Athletic Club. This contains the latest news for the club. The Junior blogs can be viewed at the links below ..... CLUB RUNS: Mondays- 4.45 pm from the clubrooms on Greers Rd .... Weds- 5.45pm from the Harewood Tavern clocktower .... Saturdays- racing or club run ....Sundays- Sign of the Takahe 8.30 am. Blog is written by Mike V .Send photos /stories /comments to miximac@ihug.co.nz .... COMMENTS panel at the end of each post if you want to agree ,disagree or add information ... Club always accepting new runners .

Thursday, 28 June 2012

June 28th 2012 Update

Somehow I deleted the June 25th update . Below is all that I can remember of what was in it .There are two race reports , an Anglican Block summary and some other stuff.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

June 10 Update

Here's a message for the younger runners ( ages12 to 23 ) 

"We have now finalised the teenage runs for this season .....

Monday, 4 June 2012

June 4 th 2012 Update

Confirmation has been received that a CHCH Avon member has been recognized in the Queen's Birthday Honours ....